
International conference CONNECT 20

03 Dec 2019

The American High School (AHS) Director Irma Barbakadze and the Academic Dean of AHS Natia Tevzadze attended the International conference CONNECT 20 in Madrid, Spain. The conference was organized by COGNIA- an organization that accredits the US state and public schools and international schools worldwide. New approaches for improving teaching-learning in international schools of Asia and Europe were discussed at the conference. Education specialists and experts shared useful information and practical experiences regarding students’ motivation and preparation for the accreditation process.

Thanksgiving day-AHS

28 Nov 2019

On 27th of november Charity event dedicated ro Thanksgiving day took place in American High School. Students from 8 grade to 12 grade took part in the event. They sold hommade dishes and cookies to collect money and help little Anita.

ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში

28 Nov 2019

“ევროპულ სკოლაში“ დასრულდა ივერი ჭელიძის სახელობის ჩემპიონატი ფეხბურთში. ტურნირი გაიმართა სამ სხვადასხვა ასაკობრივ გატეგორიაში: 4-6, 7-9 და 10-12 კლასები. ფინალური მატჩები გაიმართა 26 ნოემბერს. ტურნირის გამარჯვებულები გახდნენ: ქართული პროგრამის 4ა, 8ა და 10 კლასები. ჩემპიონატში მონაწილეები დააჯილდოვა ბატონმა ივერი ჭელიძემ და მისმა ოჯახმა, რომელიც ტრადიციულად ყოველწლიურად ესწრება ჩემპიონატის მსვლელობას.

For Supporting Anita

28 Nov 2019

On November 28, the whole European School united and conducted charity action for supporting the little Anita. With the initiative of the Student Parliament Chair Anamaria Iakobidze, famous Georgian singer Nini Badurashvili held a concert at the school. The students were happy to meet Nini. Nini Badurashvili and TV show anchorman Nikoloz Tsulukidze, both agreed to join the campaign with great enthusiasm.

Student Parliament Meeting

15 Nov 2019

On November 13, after Student Parliament Chair elections, Parliament members held a meeting to select desired commissions for future activities and elect leadership. Vice-Chair became Nita Bakradze, Secretary- Liza Kiria. Annamaria Ikobidze, Paata Kaloiani, Nikoloz Baghdavadze, Isabela Chigogidze, Luka Kintraia, and Nika Korchilava were elected to take positions of the Heads of Leadership, Sports, Service, Public Relations and Communications and Events Commissions respectively.

Guests from the Embassy of Sweden in Georgia and Greetings from Astrid Lindgren’s Granddaughter

14 Nov 2019

November 14 is the birthday of the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren-an author beloved around the globe. Many of the European School students came to school dressed as naughty Pippy and gourmand Karlsson. Kids arranged the dance performance for the special guests: John Runeson- Second Secretary at the Embassy of Sweden in Georgia, Tamar Datuashvili - Communications and Cultural Affairs Officer at the Embassy of Sweden in Tbilisi, Tina Mamulashvili-publisher from Bakur Sulakauri Publishing House, Davit Gabunia-dramatist and translator. Kids loved the fact that Astrid Lindgren’s granddaughter Molly, informed about the ES celebration week, sent the ES students warm greetings. The guests shared special stories about Sweden and the famous author with the kids, they presented new books, motivated children and the most importantly inspired love of reading.

Student Parliament Chair became Anamaria Iakobidze

08 Nov 2019

Student Parliament Chair Elections took place at the European School today, November 8. Students from all three programs (Georgian, IB and AHS) of the European School participated in the voting process. Voting procedures that started at 10 a.m. and continued up until 14:30 p.m., went smoothly and no complications were recorded. In a transparent vote counting process, the members of the administrative team of the school and chair candidates’ trustees were involved.

Election Debates

05 Nov 2019

On November 5, the candidates for the European School Student Parliament Chairperson debated at the Main Conference Hall, where they discussed their visions for Student Parliament next year. After taking few minutes for their opening statements and presenting programs, the candidates took turns answering each question and discussed about the issues they felt were most important. They spoke about why they decided to run in this election, the changes they wanted to make at the European School.

Scary Addams Family Party Guests

04 Nov 2019

This year, the ES Halloween party was hosted by Gomez and Morticia from the Addams Family. Their children-Wednesday and Pugsley kept guests entertained in scary Halloween games. Students dressed in Halloween themed costumes joined the party with great enthusiasm. Various activities were planned to entertain guests: costume parade, musical performances, fun games and nitrogen show with glowing pumpkins. The whole school was engaged in decorating the schoolyard and hallways.